Saturday, July 28, 2012


Written on 7/25/12
                Today we were reminded again how much we miss our dear friend Derek Hulse who taught drama and was our trivia expert in the area of musicals and drama.
                During the Musical, Hello Dolly, the boys from Yonkers who worked in a hardware store wanted an adventure.  They decided to go ‘into the city’ for such an adventure.  The younger fellow asked his co-worker, “How will we know when we are having an adventure?”
                “I’ll say, ‘Pudding!’”
                Eventually they found themselves in a precarious position under a table in millinery shop.  The older young man said, “Pudding!”  Thus became the code word between the Derek and Nancy Hulse and the Rogers.
                Well, today was a pudding!
                We arose early enough to have spare time before we needed to be in line for our ferry ride back to the mainland.  Since we had some extra time, we parked in the ‘WIFI Lane’ of the campground so I could do some work on the Internet.  With my computer plugged into the inverter which was plugged into the car’s 12 volt receptacle and the camper’s refrigerator running on 12 volts I got quite a bit of work done.  We arrived at the ferry terminal still ahead of time so while Royce was out taking pictures I continued to use the computer until the inverter made a loud noise and I quit.
                Well, the ferry came, discharged its contents onto the ramp and was ready for a new load.  Royce turned on the car and heard tickatickatick.  Red of face, he had to tell the attendant that our car would not start.  The two semi-trucks behind us drove around us and Royce began to try to jump the car with a Mini Mite which he had charged up at home before we life.  Tickatickatick  There is still time to catch this ferry if we can get the car started in the next 15 minutes.  Royce tried to clean the terminals.  Tickatickatick  Eventually the attendant had a man bring his truck to jump our car and the car started.  Only one problem; we only had to drive a short distance, downhill, to get on the ferry.   Would that be enough to charge the battery?  Well, we can’t do anything about that for an hour and a half.
                When we arrived back at Blacks Harbour, we tried to start the car again and tickatickatick!!!!  Royce notified an attendant wondering if we were going to have to ride back and forth between the mainland and the island like the man from Boston who rode beneath the streets of Boston to never return.  Apparently we were not the first folks to have this problem for he brought out a ‘Mightier Mite’ and sent us on our way.
                Of course, all the time this was happening, I was feeling guilty that I ran my inverter too long.  For sure, that was a contributing factor, but while we were idle, the camper’s refrigerator was also drawing power from the car battery.  Hopefully, we have learned a lesson or two and won’t have this flavor of pudding again.

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